基于InGaN基硅襯底Micro-LED的多色集成轉移印刷技術Transfer printing technology based on InGaN-based silicon substrate micro-LEDs for multicolor integration田朋飛復旦大學副教授TIAN Pengfei Associate Professor of Fudan University
面向AR微顯示應用的超小尺寸氮化物Micro-LED研究Study on ultra-small III-nitride Micro-LEDs for AR applications汪萊清華大學信息電子工程系光電子研究所所長WANG LaiInstitute of Information Optoelectronic Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
藍寶石襯底InGaN基紅色LED及MicroLEDInGaN based red LEDs and MicroLEDs on sapphire substrate王新強北京大學教授、北大東莞光電研究院院長WANG XinqiangDean of Dongguan Institute of Opto-electronics, Peking University
High-Bandwidth Deep Ultra-Violet Micro-LEDs for Optical Wireless CommunicationsJonathan MCKENDRY英國斯特斯克萊德大學Jonathan MCKENDRYFraunhofer Fellow, Institute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde, UK
Critical aspects of deep-UV LED design and operation深紫外LED仿真設計及操作關鍵技術進展茅艷琳蘇州思體爾軟件科技有限公司技術支持工程師Yanlin MaoTechnical support engineer of SuZhou STR Software Technology Co., Led.
高效率深紫外 Micro-LED尺寸依賴特性研究High-efficiency and size-dependent efficiency characteristics of UVC micro-LEDs崔旭高復旦大學信息科學與工程學院光源與照明工程系副教授CUI XugaoAssociate Professor of Fudan University
Fabrication of 265 nm AlGaN-LEDs on Face-to-face annealed AlN/sapphire template三宅秀人日本三重大學教授Hideto MIYAKEProfessor of Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University
提高AlGaN基DUV-LED效率的薄p-GaN上的銀基鏤空反射電極Ag-based hollow reflective electrode on thin p-GaN layer for improving the light output efficiency of AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes周玉剛南京大學電子科學與工程學院教授ZHOU YugangProfesor of School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University
耐高溫無機膠及白光/深紫外LED封裝研究Enhanced heat dissipation of high-power WLEDs through creation of 3D dams on ceramic substrate with geopolymer/graphene paste孫慶磊中國地質大學(武漢)先進制造中心副教授SUN QingleiAssociate Professor of Advanced Manufacturing Center of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
鈣鈦礦LED晶體結構穩(wěn)定性的研究Research on Crystal Structure Stability of Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes謝躍民蘇州大學功能納米與軟物質研究院副教授XIE YueminProfessor of Soochow University
內置PL顏色轉換器的高效率氮化綠色LEDHigh Efficiency Nitride Green LEDs with Built-in PL Color Converter閆春輝松山湖東莞中民研究院常務副院長(杜嚴浩代講)Chris YANExecutive Vice-President ofInstitute of General Applied Technologies
基于多邊形微腔的表面等離激元在LED中的發(fā)光增強效應Luminescence Enhancement Effect of Cavity Plasmonic based on Polygonal Microcavity in LED陳鵬南京大學教授CHEN PengProfessor of Nanjing University
集成反射器的封裝技術用于提升高功率UVC LED芯片的光提取效率Enhanced Light Extraction Efficiency of high power UVC LEDs by SMD-Packaging with Integrated Reflectors胡曉東德國MSG Lithoglas GmbH亞太地區(qū)總監(jiān)HU XiaodongDirector of Asia Pacific Region of MSG Lithoglas GmbH, Germany
UVC LED在末端凈水設備中應用的現狀與問題Current situation and problems of application of UVC LED in POU water filtration equipments任君琪GE通用凈水科技有限公司研發(fā)總監(jiān)Harry RENRD Director of General Water Technology Co., Ltd.
UVC LED助力打造后疫情時代健康生活及工作環(huán)境白雪濤國家疾病預防控制中心環(huán)境與健康相關產品安全所原副所長、消毒委主任委員BAI XuetaoEx-Vice President of National Institute of Environmental Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Research Fellow of Disinfection Hygiene Standards Professional Committee
MINILED 驅動在TV顯示器背光上的應用廖賢賓華源智信半導體(深圳)有限公司電源事業(yè)部系統(tǒng)應用總監(jiān)LIAO Xianbin System Application Director of Power Supply Division of Huayuan Semiconductor(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd
重構單片集成技術,實現全彩Micro-LED微顯示芯片Redefinition of monolithic integration for Full-Color Micro-LED Micro-displays莊永漳鐳昱光電科技(蘇州)有限公司創(chuàng)始人兼CEOEddie CHONGFounder and CEO of Raysolve Optoelectronics (Suzhou) Company Limited