
  • 中國電子科技集團首席
    SiC功率MOSFET技術及應用進展柏松中國電子科技集團首席專家、寬禁帶半導體電力電子器件國家重點實驗室主任BAI SongChief Scientist of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Director of National Key Laboratory of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Power Electronic Devices
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:39
  • 諾貝爾物理獎獲得者天
    In pursuit of short wavelength solid state light emitter天野浩日本名古屋大學未來材料與系統(tǒng)研究所教授、日本工程院院士、美國工程院院士、中國工程院外籍院士、2014年諾貝爾物理獎獲得者Hiroshi AMANOProfessor of Nagoya University, Japan, Member of The Engineering Academy of Japan, Member of the National, Academy of Engineering, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Laureate of the Nobel Prize
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:35
  • 溫州醫(yī)科大學附屬眼視
    非弱視眼亮度調節(jié)可在廣泛空間頻率范圍內修復弱視患者的雙眼平衡Modulation of mean luminance within the fellow eye can restore binocular balance across spatial frequency in adult amblyopesSeung Hyun MIN溫州醫(yī)科大學附屬眼視光醫(yī)院助理研究員Seung Hyun MINAffiliated Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:34
  • 中國科學院蘇州生物醫(yī)
    藍光照射對四種不同人體細胞活性的影響研究Impact of blue light irradiation on the viability of four types of human cells董建飛中國科學院蘇州生物醫(yī)學工程技術研究所研究員DONG JianfeiProfessor of Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, CAS
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:32
  • 哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學副教授
    Blue LED causes cell death in human hepatoma by inducing DNA damage袁野哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學副教授YUAN YeAssociate Professor of Harbin Medical University
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:31
  • 奧特維力董事長藍衛(wèi):
    多波段光譜組合在臨床醫(yī)學的應用Clinical Applications of Multi - spectrum Combination Light Therapy.藍衛(wèi)河北奧特維力醫(yī)療器械有限公司董事長LAN WeiHEBEI?ULTRAVE?MEDICAL?INSTRUMENT?CO.,LTD
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:29
  • 黑龍江省醫(yī)學科學院副
    LED非視覺途徑光療作用的轉化醫(yī)學研究張鳳民黑龍江省醫(yī)學科學院副院長,哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學伍連德書院院長、國家地方聯(lián)合工程研究中心主任、北京創(chuàng)盈光電醫(yī)療科技有限公司ZHANG FengminVice President of Heilongjiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor of Harbin Medical University, Beijing Truwin Optoelectronic Medical
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:27
  • 中國標準化研究院視覺
    以優(yōu)化室內CCT改為以提升視覺舒適度Optimized Combination of Screen Brightness and Ambient Illuminances for Visual Comfort / Matching an Ambient Light CCT with Proper Screen CCT to Optimize Indoor CCT蔡建奇中國標準化研究院視覺健康與安全防護實驗室主任、研究員CAI JianqiDirectorProfessor of Visual Health and Safety Protection Laboratory, China National Institute of Standardization
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:25
  • 北京大學第六醫(yī)院黨衛(wèi)
    光照治療提高抑郁發(fā)作患者的腦功能light therapy improves brain functioning of patients with depression黨衛(wèi)民北京大學第六醫(yī)院(北京大學精神衛(wèi)生研究所)精神科醫(yī)生、心理治療師DANG WeiminPsychiatristPsychotherapist Peking University Sixth Hospital (Peking University Institute of Mental Health)
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:23
  • 復旦大學神經生物學研
    綠光鎮(zhèn)痛的環(huán)路機制Loop mechanism of green light analgesia張玉秋復旦大學神經生物學研究所所長,腦科學研究院副院長和醫(yī)學神經生物學國家重點實驗室副主任ZHANG YuqiuProfessor of Fudan Universtiy
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:20
  • 國科盈睿醫(yī)療總經理崔
    光在慢病干預中的應用研究崔錦江蘇州國科盈睿醫(yī)療科技有限公司總經理、中國科學院蘇州生物醫(yī)學工程技術研究所研究員CUI JinjiangGeneral Manager of INGRAY, Professor of Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, CAS
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:19
  • 上??萍即髮W信息學院
    基于氮化鎵的CRM圖騰柱PFC整流器的無傳感器電流過零檢測技術王浩宇上海科技大學信息學院長聘副教授、研究員WANG HaoyuAssociate Professor of ShanghaiTech University
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:09
  • 北京衛(wèi)星制造廠有限公
    GaN/SiC功率器件在航天電源的應用前景Application prospect of GaN/SiC power devices in aerospace power supply萬成安北京衛(wèi)星制造廠有限公司領域總師WAN Chengan Field Chief Engineer of Beijing Satellite Manufacturing Factory Co., Ltd
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:08
  • 錦浪科技技術研究中心
    SiC功率器件在光伏逆變器中的應用進展Application progress of SiC power devices in photovoltaic inverters劉保頌錦浪科技技術研究中心總監(jiān)LIU Baosong Technical director of Ginlong Technologies co.,ltd
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:07
  • 沛塬電子市場產品總監(jiān)
    基于寬禁帶器件的高頻大功率模組應用Application of high frequency and high power module based on wide band gap device劉正陽上海沛塬電子有限公司市場產品總監(jiān)Zhengyang LIUShanghai MetaPWR Electronics Co., LTD
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:06
  • 博湃半導體市場銷售總
    用于先進SiC功率模塊的整體解決(核心設備/材料/工程)方案Overall solution (core equipment/materials/engineering) for advanced SiC power module周鑫蘇州博湃半導體技術有限公司市場銷售總監(jiān)ZHOU XinDirector of Sales Marketing, Suzhou Bopai Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:04
  • 臺達電子董慨:碳化硅
    碳化硅及氮化鎵功率器件在數(shù)據(jù)中心AC-DC電源上的應用及展望The application and prospect of wide band gap devices in AC-DC power supply in data center董慨臺達電子高階客制電源事業(yè)部中國區(qū)總監(jiān)Dong KaiRD Director of CDBU, Delta Electronics
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:03
  • 世紀金光副總裁于坤山
    第三代半導體助力數(shù)字能源產業(yè)發(fā)展The wide bandgap semiconductor boosts the development of digital energy industry于坤山北京世紀金光半導體有限公司副總裁YU KunshanVice President of CENGOL
    guansheng2023-05-19 09:02
  • 意大利帕多瓦大學Enri
    用于高效能量轉換應用的GaN HEMT的深能級效應和可靠性Deep level effects and reliability of GaN HEMTs for high efficiency energy conversion applicationsEnrico Zanoni意大利帕多瓦大學信息工程系教授Enrico ZanoniProfessor of Dipartimento di Ingegneria dellInformazioneUniversit di Padova
    guansheng2023-05-19 08:57
  • 江蘇第三代半導體研究
    高性能GaN-on-GaN材料與器件的外延生長High output power and bandwidth of c-plane GaN-on-GaN micro-LED for high-speed visible light communication王國斌江蘇第三代半導體研究院研發(fā)部負責人WANG GuobinSenior Project ManagerHead of RD Dept of Jiangsu Institute of Advanced Semiconductors
    guansheng2023-05-19 08:56
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