面向AR微顯示應用的超小尺寸氮化物Micro-LED研究Study on ultra-small III-nitride Micro-LEDs for AR applications汪萊清華大學信息電子工程系光電子研究所所長WANG LaiInstitute of Information Optoelectronic Technology, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
藍寶石襯底InGaN基紅色LED及MicroLEDInGaN based red LEDs and MicroLEDs on sapphire substrate王新強北京大學教授、北大東莞光電研究院院長WANG XinqiangDean of Dongguan Institute of Opto-electronics, Peking University
High-Bandwidth Deep Ultra-Violet Micro-LEDs for Optical Wireless CommunicationsJonathan MCKENDRY英國斯特斯克萊德大學Jonathan MCKENDRYFraunhofer Fellow, Institute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde, UK
SiC MOSFET熱阻精確測量技術研究Research on the technique of accurately measuring thermal resistance of SiC MOSFET劉奧中國電子科技集團公司第五十五研究所LIU AONanjing Electronics Research Institute
4H-SiC MOSFET中界面碳團簇的形成和遷移率退化機理Interfacial Carbon Cluster Formation and Mobility Degradation in 4H-SiC MOSFETs張召富武漢大學工業(yè)科學研究院研究員ZHANG ZhaofuProfessor of The Institute of Technological Sciences, Wuhan University
Condura.ultraTM無銀AMB氮化硅基板---車規(guī)級功率模塊用高性價比解決方案Condura.ultraTM silver free AMB --- cost-effective solution for automotive power module張靖賀利氏電子中國區(qū)研發(fā)總監(jiān)ZHANG JingDirector of Innovation China, Heraeus Electronics
GaN HEMT與SIC MOSFET在戶用儲能PCS方向應用優(yōu)勢Advantages in household energy storage PCS using GaN HEMT and SiC MOSFET https://fanyi.baidu.com/?aldtype=85孔令濤--南京芯干線科技有限公司市場總監(jiān)
SiC等離子體波脈沖功率器件與應用研究Research on 4H-SiC Plasma Wave Pulsed Power Devices and its Applications孫樂嘉西安電子科技大學副教授SUN LejiaAssociate Professor of Xidian University
面向功率器件的高性能AlN陶瓷基板High Performance AlN Ceramic Substrate for Power Devices梁超江蘇博睿光電股份有限公司副總經理LIANG ChaoDeputy General Manager of Jiangsu Bree Optronics Co., Ltd
電熱應力下碳化硅功率MOSFET損傷的多尺度探測表征方法Multi-scale Detection and Characterization of SiC Power MOSFET Damage under Electro-thermal Stress劉斯揚東南大學教授LIU SiyangProfessor of Southeast University
等離子刻蝕技術在第三代化合物半導體領域的應用Application of Plasma Etching Technology in the Third-generation Compound Semiconductor Field謝秋實北京北方華創(chuàng)微電子裝備有限公司 第一刻蝕事業(yè)部副總經理XIE QiushiDeputy General Manager of NAURA Technology Group Co., Ltd.
SiC功率器件制造裝備技術及發(fā)展趨勢Technology and development trends of SiC power devices manufacturing equipment鞏小亮中國電子科技集團公司第四十八研究所、半導體裝備研究部主任Xiaoliang GONGDirector of Semiconductor equipment research department, The 48th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
Physical Modeling of Charge Trapping Effects in SiC MOSFETsTibor GRASSER奧地利維也納工業(yè)大學微電子研究所所長、教授Tibor GRASSERProfessor and Head of the Institute for Microelectronics at Technische Universit?t Wien, Austria
高質量磷化銦和銻化鎵襯底制備技術進展及批量生產Progress in Preparation Technology and Batch Production of High Quality InP and GaSb Substrates趙有文珠海鼎泰芯源晶體有限公司董事長ZHAO YouwenChairman of Zhuhai DT Wafer-Tech Co.,lTD
GaN半導體垂直腔面激光器的仿真設計與分析Simulation Design and Analysis of GaN Semiconductor Vertical Cavity Surface Laser張紫輝河北工業(yè)大學教授ZHANG ZihuiProfessor of Hebei University of Technology