最新高性能SiC MOSFET技術(shù)助力未來SiC市場的發(fā)展趨勢The Latest High Performance SiC MOSFET Technology Trend for Future SiC Market Development濱田公守日本華為股份有限公司高級首席專家Kimimori HAMADASenior Chief Expert Huawei Technologies Japan
SiC MOSFET熱阻精確測量技術(shù)研究Research on the technique of accurately measuring thermal resistance of SiC MOSFET劉奧中國電子科技集團公司第五十五研究所LIU AONanjing Electronics Research Institute
4H-SiC MOSFET中界面碳團簇的形成和遷移率退化機理Interfacial Carbon Cluster Formation and Mobility Degradation in 4H-SiC MOSFETs張召富武漢大學工業(yè)科學研究院研究員ZHANG ZhaofuProfessor of The Institute of Technological Sciences, Wuhan University
GaN HEMT與SIC MOSFET在戶用儲能PCS方向應(yīng)用優(yōu)勢Advantages in household energy storage PCS using GaN HEMT and SiC MOSFET https://fanyi.baidu.com/?aldtype=85孔令濤--南京芯干線科技有限公司市場總監(jiān)
電熱應(yīng)力下碳化硅功率MOSFET損傷的多尺度探測表征方法Multi-scale Detection and Characterization of SiC Power MOSFET Damage under Electro-thermal Stress劉斯揚東南大學教授LIU SiyangProfessor of Southeast University
6500V SiC MOSFET器件研制及電力電子變壓器工程應(yīng)用Development of 6500V SiC MOSFET Devices and Engineering Application of Solid State Transformers楊霏北京智慧能源研究院功率半導體所副總師
Physical Modeling of Charge Trapping Effects in SiC MOSFETsTibor GRASSER奧地利維也納工業(yè)大學微電子研究所所長、教授Tibor GRASSERProfessor and Head of the Institute for Microelectronics at Technische Universit?t Wien, Austria
基于表面電位的-Ga2O3功率MOSFET緊湊模型A Surface Potential Based Compact Model for -Ga2O3 Power MOSFETs周凱中國科學技術(shù)大學ZHOU KaiChina University of Science and Technology
橫向和縱向-Ga2O3功率MOSFET的十年進展A Decade of Advances in Lateral and Vertical -Ga2O3 Power MOSFETs黃文海香港科技大學副教授Man Hoi WONGAssociate Professor of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
SiC功率MOSFET技術(shù)及應(yīng)用進展柏松中國電子科技集團首席專家、寬禁帶半導體電力電子器件國家重點實驗室主任BAI SongChief Scientist of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Director of National Key Laboratory of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Power Electronic Devices
SiC 功率MOSFET器件的可靠性研究Development trends and challenges of SiC Power MOSFET device 張藝蒙西安電子科技大學微電子學院教授Yimeng Zhang Professor of School of Microelectronics, Xidian University